Another Successful ACCSEA (WU) Badminton Club Tournament on 7 Nov 2023
继夏季连续6次成功举办系列羽毛球比赛, 今天又一次成功举办羽毛球赛事。
Our Badminton club have successfully run another tournament on 7 Nov 2023 after our 6 successful tournament in the summer

共计20名选手参赛, 分为两组举行男子双打比赛,个小组竞争激烈,各组前两名进行半决赛,最后是B组小组第二名的夺得比赛冠军。
Total of 20 players joined the competition, divided in 2 groups, and top 2 of each group played in the semi. Vivek and Murugan, fished 2nd in their group, but did well in semi and final, won our special designed gold metal first time with prizes.
in Semi final, Vivek and Murugan beat the no 1 seed and winner of Group A Ryan Wang and Thi Dang, Guru & Ramesh beat Peter Zhao & Suthat. the final was very close, Vivek and Murugan won 21-19.

此次我们第一次准备了定制的金牌, 冠军获得奖牌奖品。We prepared special designed gold medals.

Mr Wu with the runer ups and Champions
our semi and final games can be found on youtube ver the link below: